Source code for kubetest.objects.deployment

"""Kubetest wrapper for the Kubernetes ``Deployment`` API Object."""

import logging
import uuid
from typing import List

from kubernetes import client

from kubetest.utils import selector_string

from .api_object import ApiObject
from .pod import Pod

log = logging.getLogger("kubetest")

[docs]class Deployment(ApiObject): """Kubetest wrapper around a Kubernetes `Deployment`_ API Object. The actual ``kubernetes.client.V1Deployment`` instance that this wraps can be accessed via the ``obj`` instance member. This wrapper provides some convenient functionality around the API Object and provides some state management for the `Deployment`_. .. _Deployment: """ obj_type = client.V1Deployment api_clients = { "preferred": client.AppsV1Api, "apps/v1": client.AppsV1Api, "apps/v1beta1": client.AppsV1beta1Api, "apps/v1beta2": client.AppsV1beta2Api, } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super(Deployment, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._add_kubetest_labels() def _add_kubetest_labels(self) -> None: """Add a kubetest label to the Deployment object. This allows kubetest to more easily and reliably search for and aggregate API objects, such as getting the Pods for a Deployment. The kubetest label key is "kubetest/<obj kind>" where the obj kind is the lower-cased kind of the obj. """ self.klabel_key = "kubetest/deployment" if self.obj.metadata.labels: self.klabel_uid = self.obj.metadata.labels.get(self.klabel_key, None) else: self.klabel_uid = None if not self.klabel_uid: self.klabel_uid = str(uuid.uuid4()) # fixme: it would be nice to clean up this label setting logic a bit # and possibly abstract it out to something more generalized, but # that is difficult to do given the differences in object attributes # Set the base metadata label if self.obj.metadata is None: self.obj.metadata = client.V1ObjectMeta() if self.obj.metadata.labels is None: self.obj.metadata.labels = {} if self.klabel_key not in self.obj.metadata.labels: self.obj.metadata.labels[self.klabel_key] = self.klabel_uid # If no spec is set, there is nothing to set additional labels on if self.obj.spec is None: log.warning("deployment spec not set - cannot set kubetest label") return # Set the selector label if self.obj.spec.selector is None: self.obj.spec.selector = client.V1LabelSelector() if self.obj.spec.selector.match_labels is None: self.obj.spec.selector.match_labels = {} if self.klabel_key not in self.obj.spec.selector.match_labels: self.obj.spec.selector.match_labels[self.klabel_key] = self.klabel_uid # Set the template label if self.obj.spec.template is None: self.obj.spec.template = client.V1PodTemplateSpec() if self.obj.spec.template.metadata is None: self.obj.spec.template.metadata = client.V1ObjectMeta(labels={}) if self.klabel_key not in self.obj.spec.template.metadata.labels: self.obj.spec.template.metadata.labels[self.klabel_key] = self.klabel_uid
[docs] def create(self, namespace: str = None) -> None: """Create the Deployment under the given namespace. Args: namespace: The namespace to create the Deployment under. If the Deployment was loaded via the kubetest client, the namespace will already be set, so it is not needed here. Otherwise, the namespace will need to be provided. """ if namespace is None: namespace = self.namespace'creating deployment "{}" in namespace "{self.namespace}"') log.debug(f"deployment: {self.obj}") self.obj = self.api_client.create_namespaced_deployment( namespace=namespace, body=self.obj, )
[docs] def delete(self, options: client.V1DeleteOptions = None) -> client.V1Status: """Delete the Deployment. This method expects the Deployment to have been loaded or otherwise assigned a namespace already. If it has not, the namespace will need to be set manually. Args: options: Options for Deployment deletion. Returns: The status of the delete operation. """ if options is None: options = client.V1DeleteOptions()'deleting deployment "{}"') log.debug(f"delete options: {options}") log.debug(f"deployment: {self.obj}") return self.api_client.delete_namespaced_deployment(, namespace=self.namespace, body=options, )
[docs] def refresh(self) -> None: """Refresh the underlying Kubernetes Deployment resource.""" self.obj = self.api_client.read_namespaced_deployment_status(, namespace=self.namespace, )
[docs] def is_ready(self) -> bool: """Check if the Deployment is in the ready state. Returns: True if in the ready state; False otherwise. """ self.refresh() # if there is no status, the deployment is definitely not ready status = self.obj.status if status is None: return False # check the status for the number of total replicas and compare # it to the number of ready replicas. if the numbers are # equal, the deployment is ready; otherwise it is not ready. # TODO (etd) - we may want some logging in here eventually total = status.replicas ready = status.ready_replicas if total is None: return False return total == ready
[docs] def status(self) -> client.V1DeploymentStatus: """Get the status of the Deployment. Returns: The status of the Deployment. """'checking status of deployment "{}"') # first, refresh the deployment state to ensure the latest status self.refresh() # return the status from the deployment return self.obj.status
[docs] def get_pods(self) -> List[Pod]: """Get the pods for the Deployment. Returns: A list of pods that belong to the deployment. """'getting pods for deployment "{}"') pods = client.CoreV1Api().list_namespaced_pod( namespace=self.namespace, label_selector=selector_string({self.klabel_key: self.klabel_uid}), ) pods = [Pod(p) for p in pods.items] log.debug(f"pods: {pods}") return pods