
This section defines the fixtures that kubetest makes available when installed.


Use pytest --fixtures to get a complete list of available fixtures along with their descriptions.


kubetest.plugin.kube(kubeconfig, kubecontext, request) → kubetest.client.TestClient[source]

Return a client for managing a Kubernetes cluster for testing.


The kube fixture is the “entrypoint” for using kubetest. In addition to returning a client that can be used to manage your cluster from within the test case, it also provides automatic management of the test case on the cluster.

What this means is that it will create a Namespace specific to that test case (prefixed with kubetest-) and will create any resources specified by the kubetest Markers. Once the test has completed, the test client and all test-associated resources set up by this fixture are cleaned up.

For the full API for the test client provided by the kube fixture, see the Client documentation.

Example Usage

Below is a simple trivial example of how the kube fixture can be used. See the Examples page for more.

def test_simple_deployment(kube):
   """Test that a simple deployment runs as intended."""

   # Load and create a deployment
   deployment = kube.load_deployment('path/to/deployment.yaml')

   # Wait until the deployment is in the ready state and then
   # refresh its underlying object data

   # Get the pods from the deployment and check that we have
   # the right number of replicas
   pods = deployment.get_pods()
   assert len(pods) == 1

   # Get the pod, ensure that it is ready, then get the containers
   # for that pod.
   pod = pods[0]

   containers = pod.get_containers()
   assert len(containers) == 1


kubetest.plugin.kubeconfig(request) → Optional[str][source]

Return the name of the configured kube config file loaded for the tests.


The kubeconfig fixture provides the name of the kubeconfig file which was used to load cluster configuration for the test. This should be the same value which was passed in via the --kube-config command line parameter.

Example Usage

Below is a simple trivial example of how the kubeconfig fixture may be used.

def test_something(kubeconfig):
    """A test case that gets the config file name via fixture."""

    assert kubeconfig == '~/.kube/config'


kubetest.plugin.clusterinfo(kubeconfig) → kubetest.plugin.ClusterInfo[source]

Get a ClusterInfo instance which provides basic information about the cluster the tests are being run on.


The clusterinfo fixture provides some basic information about the cluster which the tests are being run on. This information is taken from the cluster configuration and current context, so it should match the corresponding entries in the kube config file.


When using the clusterinfo fixture, you should always specify it after the kube fixture. This is because the clusterinfo fixture does not load the specified kubeconfig file, whereas the kube fixture does. Invoking the clusterinfo fixture before the kube fixture will lead to some default configuration values to be returned, which may not accurately reflect the actual configuration used when the tests are run.


def test_example(kube, clusterinfo):


def test_example(clusterinfo, kube):

The clusterinfo fixture returns an instance of ClusterInfo:

class kubetest.plugin.ClusterInfo(current, config)[source]

Information about the cluster the kubetest is being run on.

This info is gathered from the current context and the loaded configuration.

  • cluster – The name of the cluster set for the current context.
  • user – The name of the user set for the current context.
  • context – The name of the current context.
  • host – API server address.
  • verify_ssl – SSL certificate verification when calling the API.

Example Usage

Below is a simple trivial example of how the kubeconfig fixture may be used.

def test_something(kube, clusterinfo):
    """A test case that gets cluster info via fixture."""

    assert clusterinfo.user == 'test-user'
    assert clusterinfo.context == 'text-context'