Source code for kubetest.manifest

"""Utility functions for loading Kubernetes manifest files and constructing
the corresponding Kubernetes API models.

import builtins
import os
import re
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, TextIO, Union

import kubernetes
import yaml
from kubernetes.client import models

# Callable type describing the signature of render() implementations
Renderer = Callable[[Union[str, TextIO], Dict[str, Any]], Union[str, TextIO]]
__render__: Optional[Renderer] = None

[docs]def render(template: Union[str, TextIO], context: Dict[str, Any]) -> Union[str, TextIO]: """Render a manifest template into a YAML document using the module render callable. Rendering is performed by the module global `__render__` callable. The default implementation returns the input template unmodified. To implement a different default rendering behavior, set the `__render__` attribute to a `RenderCallable` object. Args: template: Then template to render. context: A dictionary of variables available to the template. Returns: The rendered content of the manifest template. """ if __render__: return __render__(template, context) else: # Return the template unmodified. return template
[docs]class ContextRenderer: """ContextRenderer objects manage context state and render manifest templates. ContextRenderer objects maintain a persistent context state across an arbitrary number of rendering operations. They are useful in accumulating context state during test setup when manifest templates need access to state that was established earlier. Args: renderer: A callable that renders a templated manifest. Defaults to the module local `render` function which renders using the `__render__` callable. context: A dictionary of runtime values available to the template during rendering. Defaults to an empty dictionary. """ def __init__( self, renderer: Renderer = render, context: Dict[str, Any] = {} ) -> None: self._renderer = renderer self._context = context @property def context(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """The context variables set on the renderer.""" return self._context
[docs] def __call__( self, template: Union[str, TextIO], context: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Union[str, TextIO]: """Render a manifest template file to a YAML docoment. Args: template: The template to render. context: A dictionary of template variables available for use during rendering. Returns: The rendered content of the manifest template. """ merged_context = {**self.context, **context} return self._renderer(template, merged_context)
[docs]def load_file(path: str, *, renderer: Renderer = render) -> List[object]: """Load an individual Kubernetes manifest YAML file. This file may contain multiple YAML documents. It will attempt to auto-detect the type of each object to load. Args: path: The fully qualified path to the file. renderer: The callable responsible for rendering the contents of the manifest file to YAML. Returns: A list of the Kubernetes API objects for this manifest file. """ with open(path, "r") as f: content = renderer(f, dict(path=path)) manifests = yaml.load_all(content, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) objs = [] for manifest in manifests: obj_type = get_type(manifest) if obj_type is None: raise ValueError( f"Unable to determine object type for manifest: {manifest}", ) objs.append(new_object(obj_type, manifest)) return objs
[docs]def load_path(path: str, *, renderer: Renderer = render) -> List[object]: """Load all of the Kubernetes YAML manifest files found in the specified directory path. Args: path: The path to the directory of manifest files. renderer: The callable responsible for rendering the contents of the manifest files to YAML. Returns: A list of all the Kubernetes objects loaded from manifest file. Raises: ValueError: The provided path is not a directory. """ if not os.path.isdir(path): raise ValueError(f"{path} is not a directory") objs = [] if isinstance(renderer, ContextRenderer): renderer.context["objs"] = objs for f in os.listdir(path): if os.path.splitext(f)[1].lower() in [".yaml", ".yml"]: objs = objs + load_file(os.path.join(path, f), renderer=renderer) return objs
[docs]def get_type(manifest: Dict[str, Any]) -> Union[object, None]: """Get the Kubernetes object type from the manifest kind and version. There is no easy way for determining the internal model that a manifest should use. What this tries to do is use the version info and the kind info to create a potential internal object name for the pair and look that up in the kubernetes package locals. Args: manifest: The manifest file, loaded into a dictionary. Returns: The Kubernetes API object for the manifest. If no Kubernetes API object type can be determined, None is returned. Raises: ValueError: The manifest dictionary does not have a `version` or `kind` specified. """ version = manifest.get("apiVersion") if version is None: raise ValueError('manifest has no "version" field specified') kind = manifest.get("kind") if kind is None: raise ValueError('manifest has no "kind" field specified') # create a map of the kubernetes client model locals where the key is the # lower cased name (so we don't have to mess with getting the capitalization # of components correct) and the value is the correctly cased name. lookup = {k.lower(): k for k in models.__dict__.keys()} # if the version has a '/' (e.g. apps/v1, extensions/v1beta1), remove it. # there are generally two possibilities - we include the version minus # the slash (e.g. extensions/v1beta1 -> extensionsv1beta1), or we do not # use the prefix (e.g. apps/v1 -> v1). By default we will always try with # the prefix first and only try the secondary check if the first check # yields nothing. possibilities = [ # add the default case version.replace("/", "").replace(".", "") + kind ] # if the prefix exists, add the non-prefixed version as a secondary check if version.count("/") == 1: possibilities.append(version.split("/")[1] + kind) for to_check in possibilities: type_name = lookup.get(to_check.lower()) if type_name is None: continue return models.__dict__.get(type_name) return None
[docs]def load_type(obj_type, path: str, *, renderer: Renderer = render): """Load a Kubernetes YAML manifest file for the specified type. While Kubernetes manifests can contain multiple object definitions in a single file (delimited with the YAML separator '---'), this does not currently support those files. This function expects a single object definition in the specified manifest file. Args: path: The path the manifest YAML to load. obj_type: The Kubernetes API object type that the YAML contents should be loaded into. renderer: The callable responsible for rendering the contents of the manifest file to YAML. Returns: A Kubernetes API object populated with the YAML contents. Raises: FileNotFoundError: The specified file was not found. """ with open(path, "r") as f: content = renderer(f, dict(path=path, obj_type=obj_type)) manifest = yaml.full_load(content) return new_object(obj_type, manifest)
[docs]def new_object(root_type, config): """Create a new Kubernetes API object and recursively populate it with the provided manifest configuration. The recursive population utilizes the swagger_types/openapi_types and attribute_map members of the Kubernetes API object class to determine which config fields correspond to which input parameter, and to cast them to their expected type. This is all based on the premise that the Python Kubernetes client will continue to be based off of an auto-generated Swagger/Openapi spec and that these fields will be available for all API objects. Args: root_type: The Kubernetes API object type that will be populated with the manifest configuration. This is expected to be known ahead of time by the caller. config: The manifest configuration for the API object. Returns: A Kubernetes API object recursively populated with the YAML contents. """ # The arguments that will be passed to the root_type to create a new # recursively populated instance of that type. constructor_args = {} # The attribute map maps the argument name (e.g. api_version) to the name # of the corresponding configuration field (e.g. apiVersion). Iterate over # each of these to pick up all the possible configuration options from the # provided manifest. for k, v in root_type.attribute_map.items(): cfg_value = config.get(v) if cfg_value is not None: # The config value matches an expected key in the attribute dict. # Now, we want to cast that config to the appropriate type based # on the contents of the 'swagger_types'/'openapi_types' dict. if hasattr(root_type, "swagger_types"): t = root_type.swagger_types[k] else: t = root_type.openapi_types[k] # There are two classes of types we will want to check against: # 'base types' (like: str, int, etc) and 'collection types' # (like: list, dict). Collection types can contain base types, # so we will want to apply the same base type checks to each # element within a collection type. First we will check for the # collection types. If it is neither, we assume that the type is # a base type. # Check if the type is a list of some other type. # This should match to something like: 'list[str]', where the # element type (in this case 'str') will be isolated as a group. list_match = re.match(r"^list\[(.*)\]$", t) if list_match is not None: element_type = list_value = [cast_value(i, element_type) for i in cfg_value] constructor_args[k] = list_value continue # Check if the type is a dict composed of other types. # This should match to something lint: 'dict(str, str)', where # the element types (in this case, both 'str') will be isolated # as separate groups. dict_match = re.match(r"^dict\((.*), (.*)\)$", t) if dict_match is not None: key_type = val_type = dict_value = { cast_value(k, key_type): cast_value(v, val_type) for k, v in cfg_value.items() } constructor_args[k] = dict_value continue # If it is not a collection type, it must be a base type. constructor_args[k] = cast_value(cfg_value, t) return root_type(**constructor_args)
[docs]def cast_value(value: Any, t: str) -> Any: """Cast the given value to the specified type. There are two general cases for possible casts: - A cast to a builtin type (int, str, etc.) - A cast to a Kubernetes object (V1ObjectMeta, etc) In either case, check to see if the specified type exists in the correct type pool. If so, cast to that type, otherwise fail. Args: value: The value to cast. t: The type to cast the value to. This can be a builtin type or a Kubernetes API object type. Returns: The value, casted to the appropriate type. Raises: ValueError: Unable to cast the value to the specified type. TypeError: Unable to cast the given value to the specified type. AttributeError: The value is an invalid Kubernetes type. """ # The config value should be cast to a built-in type builtin_type = builtins.__dict__.get(t) if builtin_type == object: return value if builtin_type is not None: return builtin_type(value) # The config value should be cast to a Kubernetes type k_type = kubernetes.client.__dict__.get(t) if k_type is not None: return new_object(k_type, value) raise ValueError(f"Unable to determine cast type behavior: {t}")